TO: ALL Members of SFEIA
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2022 Annual General Meeting will be held at 3rd Floor, Multipurpose Centre of SFEIA Building on Sunday, 19th June 2022 at 11.00 am
日期 Date:19/06/2022(星期日 Sunday)
时间 Time:11am
地点 Venue:本商会三楼综合活动中心 3rd Floor, Multipurpose Centre of SFEIA Building
Remark: Proxy form shall SUBMIT to the secretariat of SFEIA by email or post on or before 5.00pm on 13/6/2022 (Monday) and thereafter is null and void. Proof of posting is not proof of receipt.
注意:委托代表通知书须于2022年6月13 (星期一)下午5时正或之前邮寄或电邮到本商会秘书处, 逾期恕不受理。寄出之证据不能作为本商会以收取之证明。